IPilogue is Osgoode Hall Law School’s student run IP blog. They run a short article on a topic in IP almost every day. A few weeks ago, I noticed a posting on the website calling for editors. I saw that the job description didn’t specifically say “You must be an Osgoode student”, so I sent an email asking if they would accept an application from me. Turns out they would. Then it turned out that they accepted me as an editor. Pretty cool.
I had my very first meeting today. I was rather nervous at the beginning, being the only non-Osgoode student. But after that wore off, it went pretty well. After I introduced myself as being a first year from UofT, two of the people who came after introduced themselves as being from Osgoode. I don’t know whether to read anything into that. Everybody seems very nice. I wish I could have stayed a bit longer to meet some of the people who stayed behind, but I had to run to start my three hour journey home. Next time I have to go to Osgoode, I drive.
In related news: what kind of a word is “cybercrime”? It sounds like what RoboCop would fight. Or some kind of scary title for a Dateline episode: “You could be a victim of Cybercrime.” Computer crime has too many syllables. I suppose cybercrime is catchy, but something about the word just makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it’s a geek thing. I’m too used to cringing whenever a non-tech tries to talk about computers or the internet. And I’ve just come to associate the prefix “cyber” with non-techies. Wow. I learned something about myself. Justice McLachlin (as she then was) was right: expression can be a tool for self-realization.
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